Coaching FAQs

Why would someone choose to work with a Coach?

There are many reasons, unique to each person, which sparks the decision to work with a coach.  Some examples are:

  • When something complex or exciting or necessary is at stake.  This could be a job offer, an impending redundancy, house move, divorce etc.
  • You are lacking the confidence or self belief to accept or instigate change.
  • You may be rethinking what’s important to you following a bereavement, illness or job loss.
  • You may be lacking of clarity around choices or next steps and you don’t know what to do next.
  • When work and life are out of balance and you don’t know how you want things to be.
  • When we have goals that feel unattainable or overwhelming.

    If you are reading these coaching questions it’s likely that you’ll find working with a coach helpful at this point in time.  So don’t hesitate to get in touch and explore how working with me would work for you (link to contact form) (phone number)

What happens in a coaching session?

The sessions are one on one time for you to use as you wish to help you prioritise your goals, gain clarity on those goals, identify your choices and commit to action.  Whether you decide to have face to face sessions or telephone coaching we follow
The first session is your opportunity to talk through what you want to achieve your level of self belief and your commitment to these goals.

 Over the course of 90 minutes we’ll work through the opportunities and challenges you are facing.  We will explore your goals and how committed you are to actually making these changes and taking action.  I’ll be asking you questions which can be insightful, challenging and bring clarity and most importantly will provoke your thinking. I’ll listen to your objectives and the changes you are seeking and you’ll be challenged in a supportive way to stimulate your thinking and creativity.

 We talk through the scope of the coaching relationship and how it works.  We will share our expectations of each other. Then you can decide if this session has given you sufficient clarity and impetus to move forwards either alone or with support.

 In subsequent sessions you’ll review your progress against any actions you committed to, identifying any stumbling blocks and what has worked.  You may find your goals or your timeframes have altered between sessions especially if I have asked you to undertake some specific exercises.  That’s fine too.  It’s more important to realise what we really want and what is really important to us then to continue walking down a pathway we are not very committed to.

 In a coaching session I expect you to do most of the talking.  I’ll be listening so I can summarise or reflect back to you.  I’ll keep us on track and use my extensive toolkit if I feel an exercise or activity may help to unlock things for you or provide you with increased insight.  You’ll write down your goals and action steps at each session.  This element of accountability helps you own the process.

What does a coach do?

A coach

  • Holds you to account – this helps you stay focused and on track
  • Asks you effective questions to provoke your thinking
  • Gives you a place and time to focus on your goals
  • Works with you – I am on your side, part of your support network
  • Provides a safe space to explore possibilities and think out loud
  • Acts as a sounding board for your ideas
  • Reflects you back to you shedding new light on things
  • Celebrates your successes and achievements

A coach doesn’t

  • Have all the answers – if that’s what you are looking for then you may want to find a mentor
  • Have to be expert in your life – you are the expert on you and I am there to enable you to fulfil your potential if you want to
  • Tell you what to do – I am not going to stand on the side lines and shout directions
  • Make choices and decisions for you – they provide a safe space for you to make these choices for yourself
  • Provide tea and sympathy – other therapies may be helpful for this.
What is my role when being coached?

Coaching is an interactive tool that helps you gain insight, clarify your thinking, get motivated and take action.
You’ll gain the most if you prepare for each session.  As with so many things in life you’ll get out what you put in.
You do the talking in your session and that involves you answering questions. They maybe questions you’d perhaps avoid asking yourself.  A coaching session is a working session – where you work to achieve that clarity to enable you to take steps to move forward to where you want to be.
In between sessions you’ll have the actions you identified and committed to achieve.  In the session you’ll create an action plan with milestones so you leave clear on what you want to achieve and when you’ll do it. 
You may have some suggested reading, or a video watch, a visualisation MP3 to listen to or some exercises to complete ahead of your next session.
Coaching is based on the principle that you are ultimately responsible for your own life.  I’ll encourage, empower, support and challenge but I am not here to instruct or make choices for you.  To do so would undermine the control and power you have over your life.

Your role is to be

  • present – physically and mentally
  • curious about possibilities and options
  • open to change  
  • ready to be challenged and to take action
  • committed to your own success
  • ready to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements.
How do I know if coaching is right for me?

People often say to me that coaching is for business people or is something you get if you work for a large FTSE company.
My response is yes it is for those people however it is also for people wanting to make changes in their lives who don’t know where to begin and individuals wanting to make the best of their lives.

 Coaching is right for you if:

  • You want to make those changes you’ve been dreaming of
  • You are ready to take action
  • You are prepared to work at making this change happen
  • Now feels like time to unlock your potential
  • You’re ready to invest in you
  • You feel that working with a coach will be the icing on the cake for your focus, motivation and commitment to getting things done.

Coaching is not right for you if:

  • Someone has told you to get some help
  • You want to get things off your chest
  • You believe that life has dealt you this hand and that it’s not your fault nothing is happening
  • You want someone to tell you what to do
  • You’d like someone to choose for you.

 If you’d like to stop going round in circles or procrastinating please don’t hesitate to get in touch and explore how working with me would work for you. I’d love to hear what you want to achieve.

Why would I work with you?

I am passionate about the power of coaching and believe that we all the potential to change.  I have supported others in maximising their potential operating as an independent coach and as a coach within blue chip companies. 
I trained with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Go Mad Coaching and the coaching consultancy Lane 4.  I am qualified as an NLP Master Practitioner with Judith Lowe at PPD Development so I use many of NLP techniques to help you shift your thinking and explore possibilities.
I use a combination of approaches tailoring them to each client and their individual needs. I may use psychometrics if we want a deeper level of insight and am qualified to use both MBTI and FiroB.

How much will this cost me?

Your coaching sessions are you investing in you and you are your most valuable asset. They are helping you to maximise your potential and be the best that you can be.
Your Initial Session of 90 minutes is priced at £90.
Subsequent individual sessions of 70 minutes are priced at £75 per session.
Payment can be made by BACs, Cash or Cheque.

A package of 3 sessions is priced at £200
A package of 6 sessions is priced at £390

Where are you Based?

I am based in Chertsey, Surrey, very close to the M25 by junction 11.
It’s within easy reach of Chobham, Cobham, Egham, Esher, Hampton, Shepperton, Staines-upon-Thames, Virginia Water, Walton-on-Thames, Weybridge and Woking – although I do have clients from further afield, too.
Most clients want to work on a face to face basis however I also offer telephone or Face Time coaching sessions which maybe more convenient for you.

Coaching Sessions are available
  • Monday to Friday during the day
  • Monday to Wednesday in the evening
How many coaching sessions would I need?

The number of sessions depends on the needs of each individual, the type of goals they have, their financial resources and the timeframes for their goals.
You are in control of how you utilise my services as a coach.